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Wonders to admire in the Valle Aurina

Amongst the more important attractions of the Valle Aurina worth mentioning are the waterfalls of Riva in Campo Tures, the imposing complex of the Castle of Tures, the miners museum and the climatic gallery of Predoi, the museum in the barn of Cadipetria, the small Church of the Holy Spirit and, last but not least, the majestic surrounding mountains.

Here you will find a complete overview of the attractions to visit during your holiday in the Valle Aurina.

Museum of the nativity scene “Maranatha”

In our village, close to the Church, there is a museum of the nativity scene, inaugurated in 2000 by the Gartner family. The name refers to the Aramaic expression “Maranatha”, which means “Come our Lord! “. During the Christmas period in the Valle Aurina it has always been a tradition to create a nativity scene. The Christmas tree and the Advent crown on the other hand, are customs relating to the XX century.

In the museum traditional Tyrolean nativity scenes are exhibited, cared for to the finest detail, some taking up entire rooms. Amongst these is a “travelling” nativity scene of 70 m2 with wooden figures of natural size. Furthermore, you can admire Eastern and contemporary representations. Visitors remain surprised right from the entrance: the entire room represents the reconstruction of a Tyrolean hayloft and was built with the old wood from a farm ruin in Predoi, dating back to the XVIII century. Naturally the display of the nativity scene provides special emotions particularly during Advent, anticipating the magical atmosphere of Christmas. The museum is open all year round, allowing those interested in folk art and wooden carvings, to admire the extraordinary pieces on show. The attractions are many: in the artists’ workshop, for example, you can discover the art of Lukas Troi, the sculpture of Saint John. In the flower garden, over an expositive area of over 1.300 m2, you will find displayed works of art originating from different countries. Finally, a separate room is dedicated to mask carvings, an art which has a long tradition in the Valle Aurina.

Castle Tures

The particular charm of the Castle Tures, once a dynastical rock, attracts around 70.000 visitors each year. Children appreciate most of all the armoury, where they can touch the objects on display. Art lovers can contemplate the frescoes by Pacher, whilst romantics can enjoy the atmosphere of the fairytale castle.

Castle Tures was bought by the Südtiroler Burgeninstitut Association in 1977. Since then, this testimony to South Tyrolean culture has undergone restoration work, to preserve Castle Tures as an artistic monument and to allow visitors to discover this historic building. Apart from tourists, the Südtiroler Burgeninstitut Association also hopes to recall the interest of the local inhabitanst to Castle Tures, by organising special exhibitions and cultural manifestations and by creating a refreshment area in the inner court yard.

The Church of the Holy Spirit

One of the most enchanting destinations of the territory for pilgrims is situated at Casere, the last village in the Valle Aurina. The small Church of the Holy Spirit once acted as a place of worship for the copper miners of Predoi, as well as a rest point for many travellers crossing the Passo dei Tauri in order to reach Pinzgau or Salzburg.

It is not known precisely when the church was built. According to legend, there was a time when you could hear a bell underground, exactly at the point where the Church is situated. When digging to find it, a portrait of the Holy Spirit was found. The latter was removed but it continued to appear behind the rock that today protects the Church and therefore, according to the tale, it was decided to build a chapel, naturally dedicated to the Holy Spirit. The Church of the Holy Spirit, protected by a rock from eventual landslides, is most of all recognised for the crucifix perforated by bullet holes, also subject to a legend. Originally this crucifix could be found at the Prastmann farmstead. A marksman, who had started out to participate in a competition in Pinzgau, wanted to try out his precision one last time and fired three times in a sacrilegious way at the crucifix. In Pinzgau he was successful and received a bull as a prize, which he took home. But when both of them passed by the crucifix, the bull flew into a rage and killed the marksman.

Further prominent works of art to admire in the Church are the depiction of the Holy Trinity behind the tabernacle and the wooden statues of St. Oswald, St. Ursula, St. Francis and St. Andrew. Numerous frescoes furthermore, confer a great artistic value to the Church.

The Miners museum and the climatic gallery of Predoi

At Predoi, at the end of the splendid Valle Aurina, is situated the Miners museum, open to the public since 1996. A small train takes you as far as the gallery of St. Ignatius, where, during a tour of 350m in length, you can comprehend the hard work of long ago, observing the figures which assimilate miners in flesh and bone. Expert guides accompany the visitors, illustrating the different processes. You pass through a copper blistering implant not completely dismantled and you can discover an alternative method for extracting copper. It relates to a very unique example for a mining museum. Since 1400, copper here was extracted at Rio Rosso, until the activity was completely suspended in 1971. The so called “copper of Tures” is documented for the first time in 1426. For approx. 500 years metallic minerals were extracted from the copper mine. In 1893 the mine was closed, because at that time began the importation of copper at a low cost from America, where it could be extracted in the open skies. Between 1957 and 1971 the activity in Predoi recommenced, but was once again suspended for ecologic and economic reasons. At the end 35 miners worked there, mainly local habitants.

The granary museum of Cadipietra

The granary of the old copper mine of Predoi, hosts since autumn of 2000, a mining museum, part of the Provincial Miners Museum. The objects exhibited mainly originate from the mining collection of the Counts of Enzenberg, handed over free of charge to the Province of Bolzano and now accessible to the public. Thanks to the numerous finds it is possible to reproduce in the granary the entire history of the copper mine of Predoi.

The miners work was dangerous and harmful to their health. The mine was unpredictable and represented a continuous threat to the miners’ body and life. The knowledge of being constantly in danger brought them to a hard to understand religiousness, given, according to the tales, their quarrelsome and rebellious characters. And yet, almost no other professional category has so many protector saints or has built the highest number of churches, chapels, votive capitals and crucifixes as the miners. 

The copper from Predoi has always had a particular fame for its elevated ductility. The merit of this exceptional quality was mainly due to the foundry men, of who you can read the written autographed notes on the fusion process. The copper was put on sale in the shape of the so called copper rosette. 

Mineralogical museum

At Mühlegg near San Giovanni, just a few minutes away by car from Lutago and reachable also by foot, is situated the Kirchler mineralogical museum.

Arthur Kirchler brought from his passion for collecting minerals, a museum, which today is the most evocative of the eastern Alps.

Over an expositive area of 300 m² you can admire 1000 exemplary originating from the Alps of Zillertal and from the Alti Tauri, which developed in the deep of our land approx. 30 millions of years ago. Many of these magnificent rarities, and in part unique, would not have reached us without the audacious commitment of collectors, it is thanks to these that the minerals did not fall victim to natural phenomenal such as intense cold and erosion.

The stones of the minerals are used also to produce enchanting jewels and souvenirs, which can be purchased as a memento.

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Mieten Sie eine Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal und verbringen Sie einen erholsamen Urlaub im Naturparadies

Das Ahrntal, ist das Tal des Flusses Ahr, aber auch eine Gemeinde in Südtirol. Sie ist umgeben von den Zillertaler Alpen. Das Ahrntal begeistert mit seiner unberührten Natur. Es liegt auf etwa tausend Metern Höhe, bis weit in den Frühling findet sich in den Bergen noch Schnee. Das Ahrntal ist von kleinen Dörfern durchsetzt, die mit ihrer typischen Alpenarchitektur die Besucher verzaubern. Denn zum erfolgreichen Urlaub gehört neben der Landschaft noch etwas anderes: eine Ferienwohnung. Das Ahrntal bietet in dieser Hinsicht etwas ganz Besonders: die Aurina Private Luxury Lodges.

Eine Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal von Aurina Private Luxury Lodges

Auf Italienisch heißt das Ahrntal Valle di Tures e Aurina. Daher haben die Aurina Private Luxury Lodges ihren Namen. Die Lodges befinden sich am Kleinwieserhof, an der sonnigsten Stelle der Gemeinde Luttach. Sie sind im Chalet-Stil gebaut und hergerichtet und zeichnen sich besonders durch die verwendeten Naturmaterialien aus: Holz dominiert die Optik, gut kombiniert mit Stein und schlichten, hochwertigen Möbeln.

Eine Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal bieten wir für unterschiedliche viele Personen an. Da gibt es die Grand Luxury Lodge mit drei Schlafzimmer, die Platz für bis zu zehn Personen bietet. In den Premium Luxury Lodges 1 und 2 können bis zu vier Personen wohnen. Die Superior Luxury Lodge ist für bis zu sechs Personen geeignet. Unser Motto ist "Living & Relax in Südtirol". Die Lodges lösen dieses Motto ein: Alle Unterkünfte zeichnen sich durch ihren hohen Wohnkomfort aus, wodurch unsere Gäste tatsächlich schnell anfangen werden, im Ahrntal zu "leben". Denn leben heißt nicht nur, in einem kleinen Zimmer zu wohnen, leben heißt, in Haus und Umgebung einen Platz zu finden, sich wohlzufühlen. Mit solch einer Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal ist das möglich.

Entspannung in den Aurina Lodges

Der zweite Teil des Mottos, die Entspannung, ist durch die Landschaft schon von selbst gegeben, doch helfen wir etwas nach: In unseren Saunen können sich unsere Gäste nach ihren Aktivitäten erfrischen, oder bei einer Massage die Seele baumeln lassen. Unser Wellnessangebot umfasst zudem einen Whirlpool, Outdoor-Liegeflächen und Ruheräume.

Von der Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal in die Umgebung: Sehenswürdigkeiten und Ausflugsziele

Mit einer Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal können sich die Besucher auf eine Vielfalt von Freizeitangeboten freuen. Das Tal ist bekannt für seine vielen Dreitausender, die Bergsteigen und Wandern nicht nur zum Vergnügen, sondern auch zur Herausforderung machen. Der Turnerkamp und der Schwarzenstein sind nur zwei der Berge, die im Sommer wie im Winter zu Touren einladen. Wir leihen unseren Gästen bei Bedarf Wanderrucksäcke und -stöcke. Wer nicht nur zu Fuß unterwegs sein will, hat in Luttach auch die Möglichkeit, einen Reitstall zu besuchen, der Pferdetrekking anbietet. Dabei kann man zwischen mehre Stunden, aber auch mehrere Tage dauernden Touren wählen - und die Landschaft aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive betrachten.

Wer sich im Winter für eine Ferienwohnung im Ahrntal entscheidet, kommt natürlich in den Genuss der Skigebiete in der Umgebung. Hier seien Speikboden und Klausberg genannt, die mit ihren Pisten und Snowparks eine Attraktion für die ganze Familie sind. In der Nähe liegt auch der Naturpark Rieserferner Ahrn, der mit seinen vielen Wasserläufen begeistert. In Luttach ist neben der Alpenarchitektur auch das traditionelle Handwerk zu Hause: Im Krippenmuseum Maranatha, in dessen Schnitzwerkstatt wunderschöne Figuren in allen Größen entstehen, können sich die Besucher sowohl an Holzkrippen von Tiroler Holzschnitzern, als auch an einer großen orientalischen Holzkrippe erfreuen und die Details bestaunen.